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"With Christ at the centre, inspire, Believe and so achieve."

"Gyda Christ yn y canol, ysbrydoli, credu a chyflawni felly."

Catholic Life & Mission

Mission Statement

'With Christ at the centre, we are a happy, safe and caring school.  As a family, together we follow the example of Jesus, to love one another as he loved us.'

At St. Joseph's, we take pride in the Catholic life of our school.  This not only applies to specific R.E. lessons but in the everyday interaction of school life, assemblies, playtimes, meal times and all the relationships that exist within St. Joseph's.  We try to help children find a personal faith in God and to enjoy a sense of awe and wonder at his creation.  WE teach tolerance and respect for other faiths, races and cultures.

Some of the children at Mass with Father Richard at our Church of the Immaculate Conception.

We joined the virtual Cafod assembly today (1-12-22) and reflected on how we can be a light of the world like Jesus.

Talking to Professor Jon James from Hawaii about the Premenanda Orphanage

These are the children that we currently sponsor.

Hospice of the Valleys

Jesus Cares - Charity

Bring a Tin

   We are supporting our local community because on the last Friday of every month, we bring a tin to school to help those in need.  These tins are then put into food parcels for those who need them in our local area.

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