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"With Christ at the centre, inspire, Believe and so achieve."

"Gyda Christ yn y canol, ysbrydoli, credu a chyflawni felly."

School Committees

Criw Cymraeg - Seren a Sbarc

The Welsh Language Charter, a project to encourage the use of Welsh socially in primary schools in Wales, has welcomed two new characters. The two heroes on posters and badges will encourage children between 4 and 7 years old to use the Welsh language in the playground, at home and the classroom.


As part of the Charter, each individual school completes a baseline exercise to determine current language use before developing an action plan to work towards a bronze, silver or gold award. It encourages participation from every member of the school community - pupils, parents, school governors and the wider community. 


Communication is at the heart of modern life - growing up bilingual meant that children will be developing skills for life. The Siarter Iaith mascots, Seren and Sbarc, have a special song, which you can sing along with my following the lyrics in the video.  You can view the song here:


Criw Cymraeg

Our 2022-2023 Criw Cymraeg have been elected. We have started working towards the Siarter Iaith Bronze award.  We hold weekly meetings to share, discuss and implement our ideas.



What we do?

As Criw Cymraeg, we have given ourselves the following job description…

  • Promote a Welsh ethos in St. Joseph's R.C. Primary School by encouraging learners to speak Welsh;
  • Deliver the Cwestiwn Cymraeg and Welsh Wednesday assembly;
  • Implement Cymraeg Campus and gather evidence to achieve our school targets;
  • Teach Welsh games on the yard.




Upcoming Events 


Shwmae Day 14th October 2022


Eisteddfod- February 2023

Hedgehog Friendly Campus

As a hedgehog friendly school, the children have embarked on a number of activities aimed at helping hedgehogs in danger of extinction.


Some of the work completed for Hedgehog Awareness Week

How to help at home.



Have a look at these ideas of how you can help hedgehogs at home too!

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