"With Christ at the centre, inspire, Believe and so achieve."
"Gyda Christ yn y canol, ysbrydoli, credu a chyflawni felly."
The Welsh Language Charter, a project to encourage the use of Welsh socially in primary schools in Wales, has welcomed two new characters. The two heroes on posters and badges will encourage children between 4 and 7 years old to use the Welsh language in the playground, at home and the classroom.
As part of the Charter, each individual school completes a baseline exercise to determine current language use before developing an action plan to work towards a bronze, silver or gold award. It encourages participation from every member of the school community - pupils, parents, school governors and the wider community.
Communication is at the heart of modern life - growing up bilingual meant that children will be developing skills for life. The Siarter Iaith mascots, Seren and Sbarc, have a special song, which you can sing along with my following the lyrics in the video. You can view the song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtvQBrjUBNg
Criw Cymraeg
As Criw Cymraeg, we have given ourselves the following job description…
Upcoming Events
Shwmae Day 14th October 2022
Eisteddfod- February 2023
As a hedgehog friendly school, the children have embarked on a number of activities aimed at helping hedgehogs in danger of extinction.
How to help at home.
Have a look at these ideas of how you can help hedgehogs at home too!