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"With Christ at the centre, inspire, Believe and so achieve."

"Gyda Christ yn y canol, ysbrydoli, credu a chyflawni felly."

Governing Body 2024-2025

Mr. Robin Davies (Chair of Governors). (Link Governor for ICT, E-Safety, Numeracy, Science, Hwb, More Able & Talented & Self Evaluation)

Mr. John Gregory (Vice Chair of Governors)

Mr. Ben Thomas (Reserve Vice Chair) (Link Governor for Health & Safety).

Mrs. Bernadette Francis (Link Governor for Training & Mentor for New Governors)

Mrs. Anne-Marie Burgess. (Teacher Governor).  Deputy Headteacher

Mrs. Vicki Browning (Link Governor for Cymraeg & Closing the Gap).

Mr.   Pawel Waszak. (Link Governor for EAL).

Father Richard Aziati (Parish Priest & RE Link Gov, Catholic Life Committee)

Miss Zoe O'Leary (Well-being & Foundation Phase)

Mr Merill Withanage

Miss Zoe Thomas (Link Governor for Literacy, Child Protection & LAC)

Mr. John McMorrow. (Headteacher).

Clerk to the Governing Body - Ms J Hawthorne.


Annual Governors Report to Parents 2023-2024

We've had 2 3 2 7 6 Visitors