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School closed to pupils on 4th July (General Election) and Friday 19th July for staff training. Online learning will take place on the 4th of July, General Election Day. For more information or access to privacy notices notices outlining how the school uses your personal data, please refer to the Data Protection section of the website under the 'Welcome' tab. ESTYN report is published on

"With Christ at the centre, inspire, Believe and so achieve."

"Gyda Christ yn y canol, ysbrydoli, credu a chyflawni felly."

Croeso i dosbarth 3/4

We encourage parents/carers of Year 3 and 4 children to follow our school on Twitter @StJoseRC1


Notifications regarding any additional links or suggested home learning activities uploaded to the website will be posted on Twitter.


This half-term our topic is 'Inside Out' where we will be:

· Learning about what different parts of the body are used for.

· Learning about different types of relationships (family/ friends). Learning about how to keep our minds and bodies healthy.

· Looking at artists who use colour to convey emotions.

· Learning about the values and beliefs of other religions/ cultures.


Expressive Arts


Every Thursday and Friday we will be receiving music lessons from Gwent Music where we will be learning to play the P-Buzz and the penny whistle.  If children have their own penny whistle at home they are allowed to bring home the sheet music to practise if they wish to do so.



In our Religious Education work we will be covering:

- Domestic Church (Family)

- Homes Baptism/Confirmation (Belonging)

- Promises Advent/Christmas (Loving) - Visitors

Reading and Homework in Year 3/ 4


Your child is given a reading book to bring home to read. Please return to school on a Monday, the book will be changed throughout the week. Please write a comment in your child’s reading record book so we know how well they are doing. Encourage your child to read at home, it can also be their favourite book or magazine.  Your child will read at least once a week in school during our Group Guided Reading sessions. Your child will also bring their red homework book home on Fridays with work to be completed and returned by the following Thursday.

General Reminders…

· Due to the medical needs of some of our pupils, we are now a Nut Free School. Please check the packaging of any food.

· The children will be doing PE on a Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their PE kit (black shorts, white t-shirt and trainers or daps) in school and that all items are clearly labelled.

· We no longer sell fruit however your child may bring in a piece of fruit as a healthy snack to eat during playtime.  They will also need a reusable water bottle which they can refill in class if required.

· PE bags, lunch bags, jumpers and coats need to be labelled clearly with your child’s name.

· Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct uniform. A pale blue St Joseph’s jumper/cardigan, white shirt/polo shirt, grey/black or navy school trousers, skirt or pinafore and black shoes.

26th September 2022 International Languages Day-German

Our part of our work on International Languages Day we looked at the culture and language of Germany.  We tasted traditional German food and learnt how to say some simple German phrases and words.

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