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"With Christ at the centre, inspire, Believe and so achieve."

"Gyda Christ yn y canol, ysbrydoli, credu a chyflawni felly."

Croeso i Dosbarth Nursery/Reception

The children in Nursery and Reception are learning and exploring;


Myself and The World Around Me


Our focus this term is what happens when I go to sleep. We’re looking forward to learning about many things including;


  • nocturnal animals in our country and in other parts of the world
  • why sleep is important to help us stay healthy and ready for learning
  • daily routines including bedtime
  • stories and lullabies which help us fall asleep


We’ll use a range of stories and rhymes as well as following the children’s interests in order to explore the topic in a more imaginative way.

If you want to support your child's learning at home there are lots of books and stories which you should be able to find at your local library.

In Nursery and Reception we are always keen to explore the outdoors through every season.


We've enjoyed Winter walks in the mornings.

... and using our binoculars to do a spot of birdwatching.

We saw so many birds but noticed that there isn't much food around for them. We decided that our next mission will be to make bird feeders to help them through the Winter months.


If this is something you'd like to support your child with at home too, click on the link below for some more ideas.



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